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Hefei Municipal People's Government on the issuance of Hefei City to further strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of several measures (trial) notice

2022/7/4     Viewed:    

Some Measures to Further Strengthen the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Hefei (Trial)

In order to further improve the systems for discovering, docking and transforming scientific and technological achievements, improve the mechanisms for transforming scientific and technological achievements into basic research, applied research, technological research and engineering of achievements, accelerate the construction of the system for transforming and applying scientific and technological achievements, strengthen the local trading, local transformation and local application of scientific and technological achievements, and strive to transform the "key variable" of scientific and technological innovation into the "maximum increment" of high-quality development. According to the spirit of the relevant documents of the state, province and city, combined with the actual situation of our city, formulate these measures.

First, establish a docking service mechanism

1. Establish a mechanism of contacting academicians with leaders of the Municipal Scientific and Technological Innovation Committee. The director and deputy director of the Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Committee each determine a municipal department as a liaison unit, and regularly or irregularly go to key universities and institutes to carry out docking, understand the scientific research and transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the academician team, coordinate to solve relevant problems, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the academician team. (Leading responsibility unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Cooperation units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Economy and Information Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal SASAC, Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Municipal Data Resources Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Association, etc.)

2. Implement the "three-place" overall scheduling mechanism. Give full play to the overall role of the Municipal Committee of Science and Technology Innovation, according to the needs of the work regularly or irregularly convened meetings, overall coordination, research and solution of scientific and technological achievements in the "three local" process encountered major problems. Optimize the relevant forces, build a work platform, and improve the level of normal scheduling services. (Leading responsibility unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Cooperation units: Members of the Science and Innovation Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the compilation office of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Tax Bureau, the Municipal Property Investment Group, the Municipal Xingtai Holding Company, the Municipal Binhai Investment Company, etc., the people's government of the county (city) district, the Administrative Committee of the Development Zone)

3. Improve the regular mechanism for capturing scientific and technological achievements. The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau should become the "Science and Technology Intelligence Bureau" to capture the latest scientific and technological achievements in the first time. Led by the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, a special class for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements composed of municipal state-owned platform companies such as CIIC Group, Xingtai Holdings, Binhai Investment Company and Kechuang Group, as well as Anhui Innovation Museum and counties (cities) districts and development zones, has been established to carry out project discovery, mining, planning, transformation and service on a regular basis, and establish a project library of transformable scientific and technological achievements. (Lead responsible units: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal SASAC, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Property Investment Group; Cooperation units: Anhui Innovation Museum Service Management Center, City Xingtai Holdings, City Bininvestment Company, etc., county (city) district people's Government, development zone Management Committee)

4. Establish a supervision and assessment mechanism for goals and tasks. The completion of the "three places" of scientific and technological achievements is taken as an important content of the scientific and technological innovation index of the municipal government's annual target management performance assessment. All counties (cities) districts and development zones shall incorporate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into their important agendas, implement specific measures, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. The transformation performance of scientific and technological achievements of state-owned and state-owned holding enterprises will be included in the scope of business performance assessment of the responsible person of the enterprise, and the investment of enterprises in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements will be regarded as profit in the assessment of business performance in accordance with the relevant national and provincial regulations. (Leading responsible units: Municipal Party Committee Office, Municipal Government Office, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal SASAC; Cooperation units: county (city) district people's government, development zone management committee)

Second, improve the professional service system

5. Support the creation of a 100 billion technology market. Special policies have been issued to support the construction of provincial and county three-level linkage, online and offline interaction of science and technology market, improve the function of listing and auction of scientific and technological achievements, so as to achieve "offline activities every month, online transactions every day", and build Anhui science and technology market scientific and technological achievements transfer and transformation base, national technology transfer talent training base. Give play to the role of scientific and technological innovation achievements transformation fair, and create a "never ending" science and technology fair. (Lead responsibility unit: Binhu Science City Management Committee, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Anhui Innovation Museum Service Management Center; Cooperation units: Municipal Finance Bureau, county (city) district people's Government, development zone Management Committee)

6. Support the development of science and technology service institutions. Continue to promote the use of Hefei Entrepreneurship and innovation service vouchers to support small, medium and micro enterprises in science and technology to carry out R&D innovation, achievement transformation and other service activities. For science and technology service institutions with strong industry influence and outstanding service ability to set up enterprise headquarters and regional headquarters in the city, according to their annual investment scale, business income, local tax contribution, the number of enterprises serving the city and other performance, give a maximum of 10 million yuan reward, and implement "one case one discussion" for particularly major projects. Carry out the storage and cultivation of science and technology service institutions, the storage and cultivation of institutions are valid for 3 years, organize experts to evaluate the performance of the storage institutions every year, and give the institutions with excellent performance evaluation results up to 1 million yuan reward, and the excellent rate is not more than 30%. (Leading responsibility unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Cooperation units: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, Anhui Innovation Museum Service Management Center, etc.)

7. Support institutions of higher learning in building technology transfer institutions. Support universities, institutions and enterprises in developing technology transfer service promotion institutions, and give a one-time award of 1 million yuan to newly identified state-level technology transfer demonstration institutions. Awards and subsidies are given to technology transfer institutions to carry out technological achievements trading services and achieve transformation in fertilizer, which is implemented in accordance with the "Several Policies of Hefei City to Further Promote the transformation of scientific and Technological Achievements (Trial)" (Joint Political Office (2021) No. 7, hereinafter referred to as "Several Policies"). Support municipal colleges and universities to incorporate technology transfer into the classified assessment and evaluation system, and allow the local transformation of scientific and technological achievements, according to the proportion of not less than 10% of the net income of technology transfer to extract performance bonuses for institutional building, team incentives, etc. (Leading responsibility unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Cooperation units: Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, etc.)

8. Speed up the cultivation of technology brokers (managers) team. Support Anhui Innovation Museum to promote the technology broker credit point system and implement the technology trading agent system. Support the first to set up a number of technical manager firms in municipal state-owned platform companies such as Municipal Property Investment Group, and explore the commission system for technical managers. To carry out technical broker (manager) vocational training and professional title evaluation work, formulate and introduce Hefei technical broker professional title declaration and evaluation of relevant management measures. Strive to bring technical brokers (managers) into the provincial title assessment. Awards and subsidies are given to technical brokers (managers) for carrying out technical achievement trading services and realizing transformation in fertilizer, which is implemented in accordance with several Policies. (Leading responsible units: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Binhu Science City Management Committee; Cooperation units: Anhui Innovation Museum Service Management Center, Municipal Property Investment Group, Municipal Xingtai Holdings, Municipal Binhai Investment Company, Municipal Public Resources Trading Group, etc.)

3. Building platforms for innovation and transformation

9. Accelerate the construction of innovation platforms. Focus on the city's advantageous industries, build a scientific and technological achievements transformation center or industrial technology research institute with universities and institutes, and rely on the industrial Internet to create an advantageous platform that gathers various innovative elements. The jointly built innovation platform guarantees the demand for construction land, and provides housing for scientific research and development, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and housing for the introduction of talents. Relying on leading scientific and technological enterprises to form a systematic and task-based innovation consortium. Relying on national laboratories, large scientific installations and universities and institutes, it implements the mixed ownership model of "research institute + operating company + fund" and diversified investment team shareholding, and establishes a new type of research and development institution with multiple functions such as scientific and technological research and development, innovation and entrepreneurship, and talent training and introduction. For research and development platforms with stable financial support at all levels, the financial support funds will be linked to the performance of scientific and technological achievements. (Lead responsible units: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Natural Resources Bureau, Municipal Real Estate Bureau; Cooperation units: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Economy and Information Bureau, county (city) district people's Government, Development zone Management Committee)

10. Promote the construction of incubation vectors. The city issued a special policy to accelerate the construction and development of innovation space for science and technology business incubators, and supported enterprises and public institutions to build incubators and innovation Spaces by relying on superior scientific and innovation resources, and to build professional incubation carriers with strong professionalism and high industrial agglomeration such as quantum information, artificial intelligence, biomedical, and aerospace information by relying on the "Silicon Valley of Science and Technology University". In accordance with the principle of "standard is standard", no less than 30 municipal and above incubators and maker Spaces are added every year, and no less than 20 national reserve echelon are cultivated, and we strive to reach 100 national incubators and maker Spaces at the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan" to achieve full coverage of national incubator carrier counties (cities) districts and development zones. Support the establishment of national and provincial university science and technology parks in fat universities. (Leading responsibility unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Cooperation units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, county (city) district people's Government, Development zone Management Committee)

11. Accelerate the construction of pilot maturation platform. Relying on Anhui Innovation Museum and Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Group, we will build a number of scientific and technological achievements proof of concept centers. Focus on the pilot pilot service of key industrial areas, promote the construction of pilot bases (platforms), and give awards and subsidies to their construction and operation, which are implemented in accordance with the "Several Policies". A new batch of pilot base (platform) is added every year, and strive to achieve full coverage of key industries of pilot base (platform) at the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Relying on the national Demonstration zone of transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Hewubian, a number of scientific and technological achievements industrialization bases (parks) will be built. (Leading responsibility unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Cooperation units: Municipal Finance Bureau, Anhui Innovation Museum Service Management Center, Municipal Investment Group, county (city) district people's Government, development zone Management Committee)

Fourth, innovate ways to promote transformation

12. Encourage applied research and development and transformation of results. We will establish a list of basic research tasks that are forced by applied research and a list of applied research tasks that are led by basic research, implement the municipal natural science Fund projects, and connect provincial and municipal science and technology projects. Encourage the establishment of "directed research and development, directed transformation, directed service" in the universities and institutions of fertilizer and order research and development and results transfer and transformation mechanism. For researchers in universities and institutions in Hefei who transform their scientific and technological achievements on the spot, an equal amount of reward will be given according to the local financial contribution formed by their cash income. For universities and institutions in Hefei to export applied scientific and technological achievements within the scope of the city, approved by the technical contract registration agency registration, according to not more than 15% of the technical contract transaction amount to give subsidies, the same project does not exceed 1.5 million yuan, the award and subsidy funds can be used to reward teams (personnel) who have made outstanding contributions in the transaction service, and Article 9 of the "Several policies" do not enjoy the same. (Leading responsibility unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Cooperation units: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Tax Bureau, etc.)

13. Implement the "reveal the list and take charge" to accelerate the transformation of results. In accordance with the principle of "enterprise title setting, unveiling, quasi-push, collaborative innovation, local transformation, and government award supplement", the technical demand "unveiling" activities are regularly carried out, the major innovation needs or technical problems of enterprises are regularly collected, the technical demand project database is set up, and the ranking is organized through the website, new technology and new media release, and quasi-push to universities and institutions. For the unveiling projects implemented by the enterprises through the "unveiling" joint universities and institutes, national high-tech enterprises, etc., the project support is given to the "card neck" major scientific and technological projects or key common technology research and development projects, and the support amount of a single project is up to 10 million yuan. (Leading responsibility unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Cooperation units: Municipal Organization Department, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economy and Information Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Youth League Municipal Committee, Anhui Innovation Hall Service Management Center, county (city) district people's Government, development zone Management Committee)

14. Support the application of on-site transformation of results. Relying on the Anhui Innovation Museum, the construction of "scientific and technological achievements application scene innovation promotion center", to carry out scene mining, polishing, publishing and other work. The promotion and application of new technologies, new products and new models (hereinafter referred to as "three new" products) to support the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and support and implement no less than 100 "three new" product application scenarios every year, which are implemented in accordance with the "Several Policies". To support the procurement of "three new" and "three first" products, the purchaser or procurement agency shall reasonably set up evaluation factors such as originality and advanced nature, and shall not restrict the qualification of "three new" and "three first" products to participate in the bidding on the grounds of scale, establishment years, market performance, etc., and encourage the purchaser to prioritize the procurement of "three new" and "three first" products that have not been put into market application. In the government procurement activities, the purchaser needs to purchase "three new" and "three first" products, can use a single source procurement method. Awards and subsidies for enterprises to purchase scientific and technological achievements in universities and institutes to achieve transformation in fertilizer are implemented in accordance with the "Several Policies". (Lead responsible units: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economy and Information Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Public Resources Trading Supervision Bureau; Cooperation units: Municipal SASAC, Anhui Innovation Hall Service Management Center, county (city) district people's Government, Development zone Management Committee)

15. Explore the mechanisms by which results are translated along the way. Strengthen collaboration with innovative resources such as the University of Science and Technology of China and the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, carry out forward-looking scientific and technological innovation, explore the mechanism of "laying eggs along the way" and local transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and support the incubation of high value-added scientific and technological enterprises based on intellectual property export by relying on large devices, large platforms and large institutions. (Lead responsibility unit: Binhu Science City Management Committee, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Cooperation unit: Municipal Finance Bureau, etc.)

Fifth, strengthen financial capital empowerment

16. Expand the Results Conversion Fund. Strengthen the government to guide the mother fund to support the transformation of results, invest to support the city angel fund to gradually expand the scale, and expand the support coverage of scientific and technological achievements transformation projects; Increase the strength of the fund to "support early", "support small" and "support excellence", set up the Hefei seed fund, focusing on the scientific research team that will be founded or the actual operation of less than 1 year of science and technology enterprises; The transfer and transformation fund of scientific and technological achievements in Anhui science and technology big market was established and incorporated into the municipal achievement transformation fund system; If the fund strictly performs its duty of diligence but still generates investment losses, a risk tolerance of up to 50% shall be granted. The equity transfer of the Fund investment project may be executed in accordance with the agreement. Formulate a "negative list" of fund investment behaviors, and no restrictions or problems shall be imposed on investment behaviors outside the list. Mutual recognition of audit, supervision and inspection results shall be implemented, with a maximum of one inspection per project cycle. (Lead responsibility unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal SASAC, Binhu Science City Management Committee; Cooperation units: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Property Investment Group, Municipal Xingtai Holdings, Municipal Binhai Investment Company, etc., county (city) district people's Government, development zone Management Committee)

17. Improve the system of scientific and technological financial services. Promote the linkage between the municipal science and technology innovation funds and various funds for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and the municipal funds give priority to supporting the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements formed in the national and provincial science and technology plan projects. Guide commercial banks to actively cooperate with fund operating institutions, and improve the transformation level of financial services results by means of "investment and loan linkage". Promote the establishment of municipal professional scientific and technological financial service institutions, and encourage commercial banks to set up scientific and technological sub-branches, financial service centers for scientific and technological enterprises and other franchised institutions to provide quasi-financial services to enterprises. Improve the risk-sharing mechanism, carry out the "government bank guarantee evaluation" intellectual property pledge financing, innovation and technology credit loans and other products. Encourage insurance institutions to develop and transform scientific and technological achievements into insurance types, and grant subsidies of up to 30% of the premium amount to insured national high-tech enterprises. (Lead responsibility unit: Municipal local Financial Supervision Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal SASAC; Cooperation units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, county (city) district people's Government, Development zone Management Committee)

6. Promote incentive mechanism reform

18. Reform of ownership of functional scientific and technological achievements. To implement the pilot program of granting ownership or long-term use rights to scientific and technological achievements made by scientific and technological researchers, allowing city-owned institutions of higher learning to grant ownership or long-term use rights to scientific and technological achievements made entirely or mainly by using municipal financial funds on the premise that they do not involve state secrets, national security or major social and public interests. Encourage the central and provincial universities and institutes in Hefei scientific and technological achievements empowerment projects landed in Hefei, municipal seed funds, angel funds and other achievement transformation funds and various types of production

19. Establish a due diligence exemption mechanism. In the process of transformation of scientific and technological achievements, if the price is determined through public bidding such as listed trading or auction in the technology exchange market, or if the price is set by agreement and the proposed transaction price is publicized in the unit and the technology exchange market, the relevant person in charge of the unit for transformation of scientific and technological achievements shall, on the premise that he/she performs his/her due diligence obligations and does not seek illegal interests, It is exempt from the decision-making responsibility arising from the subsequent value change of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the pricing of scientific and technological achievements. We will improve the mechanism for inter-departmental mutual recognition of audit, supervision and inspection results. (Leading responsibility unit: all relevant units)

These measures shall be interpreted by the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and shall be effective from July 1, 2022 and valid for 2 years. The state and province have promulgated new relevant regulations and adjusted and implemented them in accordance with national and provincial policies. Where the provisions of these measures have specific implementation measures, they shall continue to be implemented in light of the actual work; Where there are no specific implementation measures or amendments are needed, the relevant departments shall, within 3 months from the date of promulgation of these measures, formulate or improve the specific implementation measures according to the prescribed procedures.

Source: Hefei Municipal People's Government

Notice of hefei Municipal People's Government on Issuing and Distributing Several Measures to Further Strengthen the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Hefei (Trial Implementation) _Hefei Municipal People's Government (hefei Hefei)

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