Policy Frontier

Hefei city high growth enterprise cultivation and support several policies

2021/8/9     Viewed:    

Hefei city high growth enterprise cultivation and support several policies

In order to further implement the innovation-driven development strategy, implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC and the Implementation Opinions of the Hefei Municipal People's Government on Building an internationally influential Innovation City (Hefa [2018] No. 18), strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in innovation, promote the agglomeration of various innovation factors to enterprises, and support high-growth enterprises to continue to grow bigger and stronger, To accelerate growth and become an important birthplace of innovation, the following policies are formulated.

First, establish a high-growth enterprise cultivation database

Establish a high-growth enterprise cultivation database with 5 echelons of high-growth seed enterprises, potential gazelle enterprises, gazelle enterprises, potential unicorn enterprises and unicorn enterprises, and select a group of enterprises with strong innovation ability, great development potential and fast growth rate to enter the database every year, and implement dynamic management of the enterprises entering the database on an annual basis.

Second, support enterprise research and development innovation

Encourage high-growth enterprises to apply for national and provincial science and technology major projects and national high-tech enterprises. Research and development expenses (hereinafter referred to as research and development expenses) of the high-growth enterprises in storage that meet the conditions of additional deduction shall be awarded according to the following conditions: The high-growth seed enterprises with R&D expenses accounting for more than 30% of the operating income in the year, the potential gazelle enterprises with more than 15%, the gazelle and unicorn (including potential) enterprises with more than 10% will be subsidized according to 50%, 20% and 10% of the R&D expenses respectively, and the higher subsidy for a single enterprise in the year will not exceed 5 million yuan.

Third, support corporate financing services

Establish a financial risk compensation mechanism, set up a high-growth enterprise cultivation loan, use financial product risk pool funds to support high-growth enterprise financing, and give a higher 50% financial subsidy for loan guarantee losses. Guarantee companies charge premiums at 1% of the loan amount per year, commercial banks issue loans at the LPR interest rate of the same term, the single family loan amount of high-growth seed enterprises is capped at 5 million yuan, the single family loan amount of potential gazelle and gazelle enterprises is capped at 10 million yuan, and the single family loan amount of potential unicorn and unicorn enterprises is capped at 20 million yuan. The finance department gives 1% discount interest on the loan amount to commercial banks and 1% guarantee premium subsidy to guarantee companies.

Fourth, make use of guidance funds

Increase the investment of angel investment funds, give full play to the role of government-managed guidance funds such as the Municipal Science and Innovation Investment Fund and the Binhu Science City Investment and Development Fund, strengthen cooperation with social capital, and give priority to support qualified high-growth enterprises through direct investment or the establishment of sub-funds. We will support private capital in setting up special funds to invest directly in high-growth enterprises.

Fifth, build fund linkage investment platform

Establish a project docking committee, build a pool of shared investment projects, realize the sharing of invested projects and reserve projects, carry out investment connection according to different echelons of enterprises, and form a joint investment, follow-up and follow-up joint cultivation system for the pool of shared investment projects.

6. Promote the improvement of enterprise management

Set up an expert consulting team for the cultivation of high-growth enterprises, provide think tank support for enterprises to improve their strategic planning ability, standardize their operation and management, and carry out strategic cooperation, business model, human resources, and market planning consulting services for enterprises.

This policy and other municipal special policies of the same terms, in principle do not repeat enjoyment. This policy shall be interpreted by Hefei Science and Technology Bureau and shall take effect from April 1, 2021 and be valid for 3 years.

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