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Creating New Brilliance of Chinese Culture -- A documentary of the development of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core leading the propaganda ideological and cultural cause

2023/10/7     Viewed:    

The rejuvenation of a nation requires strong material strength as well as strong spiritual strength.

Forward-looking, flag orientation, for the new era of propaganda ideological and cultural development direction

Entering the state study, the general Secretary looked at the starry dome in the central caisson at the top. On the dome, the stone astronomical map of the Song Dynasty shows the wisdom of the ancients, and the stars are brilliant, vast and profound; In the study, 15 groups of giant bookcases display nearly 30,000 copies of New China's fine publications, and the starry sky of thought is a grand view.

Civilizations thrive and ideas advance with The Times.

 We must adhere to long-term implementation and continue to enrich development.

10 years ago in August, the first national propaganda ideological work conference after the 18th National Congress of the Party. 

"I've been thinking about something... Whether we Chinese Communists can uphold the leadership of the Party and uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in an increasingly complex international and domestic environment still needs to be answered by generation after generation of Communists. To do ideological work and propaganda work well, we must put it in this context."

Sober and calm inquiry, through the propaganda of ideological and cultural cause of deep planning.

This is a major proposition under a new historical framework: As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, how should we consolidate our hearts and hold high the banner in the face of the interwoven, exciting and mutually influencing strategic landscape of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and major changes unseen in the world in a century?

This is the call of The Times to promote theoretical innovation: If a nation wants to walk in the forefront of The Times, it cannot do without theoretical thinking for a moment, and cannot do without correct ideological guidance. How should we sum up experience and grasp the law if we want to continuously push Marxism into The Times in China and constantly climb new ideological peaks?

This is the continuous historical context of the high consciousness: without a high degree of cultural confidence, without the prosperity of culture, there is no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; Without the prosperity and development of socialist culture, there can be no socialist modernization. To promote the construction of socialist cultural power, how should we take the initiative and re-write the chapter?

"Ideological work is an extremely important work for the Party, and it is the work that builds the heart of the country and the soul of the nation." General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out.

Closely follow the pulse of The Times, work around the center, highlight the problem orientation, and publicize the weather in the field of ideology and culture.

The source of the original, adhere to and strengthen the Party's multi-faceted leadership of propaganda ideological and cultural work -

The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in Beijing, November 2013.

"While focusing on economic construction, we must not relax or weaken ideological work for a moment. We must firmly hold the leadership, management and voice of ideological work in our hands, and we must not abjure ourselves at any time, otherwise we will make an irreparable historic mistake."

Ideology is about flags, about roads, about national political security.

With the rapid development of economy and science and technology and the profound adjustment of social pattern, erroneous thoughts such as money worship, hedonism, extreme individualism and historical nihilism appear from time to time, and the chaos of Internet public opinion has seriously affected people's thoughts and the environment of social public opinion.

Twice held a national conference on Propaganda and ideological work, stressing that "to do propaganda and ideological work well, the whole Party must take action" and "build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and guiding force"; At the symposium on literary and Art work, he pointed out that "the leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for the development of socialist literature and art"; At the Party's press and public opinion work symposium, he stressed that "the media sponsored by the Party and the government are the propaganda fronts of the Party and the government, and must bear the surname of the Party"; At the forum on cyber security and informatization, IT was demanded that "our leading cadres should go where the masses are"; At the symposium on Philosophy and social science work, he pointed out that "strengthening and improving the Party's leadership in philosophy and social science work is the fundamental guarantee for flourishing and developing the cause of philosophy and social science in our country"; At the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and universities, it was emphasized that "firmly grasp the leadership of the Party over the work of colleges and universities"...

The direction is clear, the thinking is clear. A targeted initiative has emerged:

Establish and uphold the fundamental system of Marxism's guiding position in the field of ideology; Formulate measures for the implementation of the responsibility system for ideological work, and clarify the responsibilities of Party committees (party groups) at all levels in the form of intra-party regulations; We will resolutely counter all historical nihilistic tendencies, such as distorting, vilifying and desecrating heroes and martyrs, and enact a law on the protection of heroes and martyrs. We will take strong measures to rectify the network ecological chaos and establish a network information management system at the central, provincial and municipal levels. Formulate the first basic and dominant intra-party regulations on propaganda work, the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Propaganda Work, to provide strong guidance and support for the whole Party to carry out propaganda work with a rigid legal system...

The passive situation that once appeared in the ideological field has been fundamentally reversed, and the situation in the ideological field has undergone an overall and fundamental change.

Keep the right to open new, and clearly put forward the "two combination" major judgment --

The reason why the Communist Party of China is capable and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good is, in the final analysis, a Marxist practice that is adapted to China and The Times.

On July 1, 2021, a grand conference was held in Tian 'anmen Square to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. 

This is the first time that the "two combination" major judgment has been formally put forward.

Since then, the "two combinations" have been written into the "Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's 100-year Struggle" and the report of the Party's 20th National Congress.

In the Wuyi Mountain, Zhu Xi Yuan said that "we should organically combine the adherence to Marxism with the promotion of fine traditional Chinese culture", stressed in the Yin Ruins that "the fundamental way for us to promote the Sinicization of Marxism is the" two combinations ", and profoundly explained the great significance of "two combinations" in the cultural inheritance and development forum. He pointed out that "the combination of the two is the greatest magic weapon for our success"...

 It shows that our Party's consciousness of promoting cultural innovation in inheriting fine traditional Chinese culture has reached a new height.

Solid Peiyuan, from the continuous history and culture of firm confidence --

Three Su Temple, Meishan, Sichuan. A hundred years of ginkgo, a thousand years of yellow arrowroot, full of vitality.

 We say we should strengthen our cultural confidence, and China has the 'three Sous', and this is an important example."

In the General Secretary's mind, cultural confidence is the most basic, deepest and lasting force in the development of a country and a nation.

He went to the Dunhuang Academy to host a symposium and affirmed that "Dunhuang culture shows the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation"; Going deep into the Yangpu Riverside in Shanghai, it emphasizes "preserving the historical and cultural memory of the city, allowing people to remember history and nostalgia, strengthening cultural self-confidence, and enhancing the feelings of home and country"; He communicated with teachers and students in Yuelu Academy and encouraged contemporary students to further strengthen their cultural self-confidence in the process of inheriting fine traditional Chinese culture. I came to Yungang Grottoes and pointed out that "Let tourism become a process for people to understand Chinese culture and enhance cultural confidence"...

Outline the blueprint for the construction of a strong cultural country

Culture revitalizes the country and the nation is strong.

"Contemporary Chinese Communists and the Chinese people should and must be able to shoulder the new cultural mission, carry out cultural creation in practice and creation, and realize cultural progress in the course of historical progress!"

In view of the new situation, new tasks and new requirements, it is clearly proposed that propaganda ideological work must consciously undertake the mission and task of "holding the banner, gathering people's hearts, educating new people, revitalizing culture, and developing the image";

Cultivate a positive, healthy and positive network culture, make it clear that "the Internet has become the main battlefield of public opinion struggle", and bluntly say that "if you can't pass the Internet, you can't pass the long-term governance";

He stressed the importance of adhering to the people-centered creative orientation, held a symposium to guide the direction of Chinese literature and art after 72 years, and pointed out that "there are a hundred or a thousand methods for literary and art creation, but the most fundamental, crucial and reliable way is to take root in the people and their lives";

Concerned with the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, the "cultural footprint" has spread throughout the country, visiting cultural landmarks and exploring the roots of civilization, and the commitment to "protecting the historical and cultural heritage of cities as if they cherish their own lives";

Attach importance to accelerating the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system, requiring "efforts to create new concepts, new categories and new expressions that integrate both Chinese and foreign countries, tell Chinese stories well, and spread Chinese voices well";

We have worked hard to promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, acted as "cultural spokespeople" during visits abroad, demonstrated the broad mind of Chinese civilization again and again in home diplomacy, and vividly explained that "civilizations are enriched by exchanges and mutual learning".


With cultural people and bacon casting souls, we made new achievements in promoting ideological and cultural work

Strengthen ideological armed, the Party's innovation theory deeply rooted in the people
On the same day, the theme education work conference was held in Beijing, and "a new learning competition" was kicked off.

Deepening theoretical research and promoting systematization and physical and chemical construction are the basic prerequisites for strengthening the Party's theoretical armed forces.

Popular theoretical books such as "Face to Face with Chinese Modernization" and "Face to Face with the Centennial Party" make the theory more vivid and perceptible; The new era civilization practice center, county-level financial media center and other new carriers and new positions help the Party's innovative theory continue to penetrate into the grassroots; The brand columns such as "First observation", "First Sight" and "Current political News Eye" launched by the central major media have extended the scope and breadth of theoretical popularization...

The light of thought illuminates the road ahead, and the upsurge of learning is surging.

Today, a public class on popular theory has triggered a "catch-up" effect among young people, and theoretical learning guidance books have been listed on the "100 favorite books of farmers", and the good voice of the Party has become the strongest voice of society, reaching the hearts of the people and echoing in the land of China.

To encourage the spirit and morale, the cohesion and centripetal force of the people throughout the country have been greatly improved

On July 1, 2021, a grand conference to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was held in Tian 'anmen Square. The grand ceremony of the country has inspired the surging resonance of hundreds of millions of Chinese sons and daughters who love the Party and patriotism.

From commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, to celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the propaganda ideological and cultural front focused on important nodes and major activities to promote the integration of the Party's heart and people, and the display of the national power and military power, gathering an invincible mighty force.

The Party's press and public opinion work concerns the cohesion and centripetal force of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China.

Authors: ZHANG Xiaosong, Zhu Jichai, WANG Ziming, Wang Sibei, SUN Shaolong, XU Zhuang
Source Xinhua News Agency

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