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[China University of Science and Technology News Network] A number of achievements of China University of Science and Technology were selected as the top ten domestic ......

2022/1/6     Viewed:    

On December 26, the top ten domestic and international science and technology news in 2021, sponsored by Science and Technology Daily and jointly selected by academicians of some two houses and media personnel, was announced. "' Zuchongzhi 'and' Jiuchapter 2 'quantum computing prototype successfully developed" by the team of Academician Pan Jianwei of China University of Science and Technology, "The two core conjecture of Keller Geometry proved" by the team of Professor Chen Xiuxiong, and the research result of "Chinese scientists observe the highest energy photon in the universe so far" with the co-corresponding author of Professor Yang Ruizhu's research result and the space payload research of the School of Earth and Space Sciences The "China's first Mars exploration mission Tianwen 1 landed on Mars" that the team participated in was also selected as the top ten domestic science and technology news in 2021.

In May 2021, Academician Pan Jianwei's team successfully developed the 62-bit programmable superconducting quantum computing prototype "Zu Chongzhi", and on this basis achieved programmable two-dimensional quantum walking. In October, the team built a 66-bit programmable superconducting quantum computing prototype, Zuchongzhii, to achieve rapid solutions to the "quantum random line sampling" task. In the same month, Pan Jianwei's team, in cooperation with the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering Technology, developed the theory and experimental method of stimulated amplification of quantum light sources, built the 113-photon 144-mode quantum computing prototype "JiuZhang-2", and realized the phase programmable function. A fast solution of the Gaussian Bose sampling task for demonstrating the "superiority of quantum computing" is completed. According to the classical optimization algorithm that has been officially published so far, Chapter 9 II can handle the problem of Gaussian Bose sampling trillions and trillions of times faster than the fastest supercomputer. The above achievements mark that China has become the only country to achieve "quantum superiority" in both physical systems at the same time.

Professor Chen Xiuxiong and his collaborator Cheng Jingrui completed the prior estimation of a class of fourth-order completely nonlinear elliptic equations and several famous conjectures about the extreme value metric of Carabi on Keller manifolds, solved several famous problems about the constant scalar curvature metric and the extreme value metric of Carabi on Keller manifolds, including the long-pending compulsory conjectures and geodetic stability conjectures. The important milestone results in the field of partial differential equations and complex geometry will have an important impact on the study of geometry and partial differential equations.

The High Altitude Cosmic Ray Observatory (LHAASO) experiment with the participation of the University of Science and Technology of China has found 12 accelerators in the Milky Way that can accelerate cosmic rays to more than 1 trillion electron volts (10^15 eV, PeV), thus bringing a breakthrough in solving the problem of the origin of cosmic rays. In the LHAASO experiment, Li Cheng's team from the Department of Modern Physics of the School of Physics and the State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Detection and Nuclear Electronics were responsible for the development of large-size photosensitive probes, the core components of the WCDA and KM2A array Muion detectors; Anqi's team was responsible for the design, manufacture and installation of the large-size photosensitive probe readout electronics system of the WCDA array. Professor Yang Ruizhu from the Department of Astronomy participated in the data analysis, and presided over the collection of multi-band data and the theoretical interpretation of the observational data.

The Mars magnetometer, a Mars orbiter payload independently developed by the University of Science and Technology of China, was successfully launched with the country's first Mars probe, Tianwen 1. The main function of the Mars magnetometer is to obtain high-precision data of the magnetic field environment of Mars, measure the space boundary layer of Mars, detect the residual magnetism of the local rock layer in the south of Mars and the Mars induced magnetosphere, study the interplanetary plasma and interplanetary magnetic field in the near-fire space, and also carry out research on the particle escape in the Mars atmosphere with other loaded instruments. On May 15, the Tiann-1 probe successfully landed on Mars, marking an important step in China's interstellar exploration journey. At 9:49 on May 25, the extension rod of the Mars magnetometer was deployed in orbit, the telemetry parameters showed that the extension rod was deployed in place, and the scientific data returned showed that the product was operating normally. The Mars magnetometer started the scientific exploration mission of the near-fire space vector magnetic field.

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